Hotels in Mahajanga

Historic Site appreciated not only by the Arabs, but also by the Indians, Mahajanga what attract tourists. If you want to book a hotel Mahajanga, do it online ! It's fast. More, you have a wide choice of sites dedicated.

Mijangaïa : the Flower City

Mijangaïa means the flowers City. The City of flowers is a nickname given to the chief town of the region Boeny. This is the translation of MijiAngaïa, a name that would relate to the angaya, Flower introduced by the Arabs in the country in the fifteenth century and flourished in the region.
Of course, the floral wealth of this city at the mouth of the river Betsiboka is not limited to this flower. Due to its location, Majunga is fertile, it favors the development of lush vegetation.

Hotels in Mahajanga A

The 5/5 Hotel
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The 5/5 Hotel

Rue Julepinte, Mahajanga, Madagascar

from $13 /night

Our Recently enrolled in Mahajanga

The 5/5 Hotel
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The 5/5 Hotel

Rue Julepinte, Mahajanga, Madagascar

from $13 /night

the baobabs

The baobab is one of the endemic flora of Madagascar. This gigantic espèced'arbre is found in every corner of the city, marking every corner and as landmarks to locate a particular neighborhood.

The Palm trees

Scattered in Savannah, on the plateaus or plains, between the valleys and mountains, palm trees offer an exotic landscape in this chosen land what Mozangaye.

The occupation of Mozangaye : historical

Election Earth actually, Mouzangaïe(as the writer of Dumainel'appelle colonies when lists, in 1792, the 6 000 Indian families établiesau eighteenth century to the scene) ballast ! The city was founded around the fourteenth to the fifteenth century by Arab sailors called the mixed race African Antalaotra.
In the eighteenth century, locals call this town in the northwest of Madagascar Massali. Are deposited the riches from the coastal regions of Africa, to send to India. This is probably the reason why this city warehouse turned into a port city.

A hospitable city

One anecdote tells of a king who had a son with circled Madagascar to seek a cure, and, happened to the flowers City, he found and said : This city as a prostitute », which means "the city heals" from which the current name of Mahajanga.

city ​​hospital, the capital of Kingdom sakalava also attracted foreign. En 1830, Americans made it a trading post. The Indo-Pakistani begin to develop its economy.

Nowadays, Mahajanga is a resort, a land of escape highland residents when winter is harsh, as the capital of Beret warm all year.The infrastructure like luxury hotels Mahajanga are emerging. There are also accommodations at affordable prices. Short, holiday resorts majungaises suit all budgets.

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