Sainte Marie

Guide Sainte-Marie offers you more information about Sainte-Marie, also known as Nosy Boraha, a beautiful island located in the northeast of the Malagasy region.


Sainte-Marie Island or Nosy Boraha, located in the territory of the Analanjirofo region, is located about ten kilometers from the northeast coast of Madagascar. It serves tourist mecca and is prized for its authenticity and the humpback whales that come each year to breed.


  • Pays: Madagascar
  • City: Sainte Marie
  • Local hour: +1H
  • Change: the
  • Language: Français & Malagasy

Tourist Sainte Marie:

  • Address: the Barachois – Ambodifotatra
    115 Sainte Marie – Madagascar
  • Tel: 034 03 804 55
  • Email: info @ saintemarie-tourism

To discover

The remains of piracy

The island of Sainte-Marie is one of the best preserved places in Madagascar. It houses landscapes worthy of postcards with its white sand beaches, its green forests and its many relics sites of past few reassuring. It actually takes that long ago, it was a favorite haunt of pirates. Being actually situated on two important trading routes 11 century, hackers could easily strip the ships from the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. Still, can be found opposite the island Forbans, the promontory designed to receive the pirates cemetery. Are these places lies on the remains of many pirates, foreign convicts and other off-the-law. There are also marine graves. This site is easily recognized thanks to the tombstone located at the entrance., which represents the pirate emblem.

Sainte-Marie was once a pirate den.
Sainte-Marie was once a pirate den.

Humpback whales

Every year, during the austral winter that is to say from July to September, Nosy Boraha transforms into a place for observing megaptera which we know more commonly under the name of humpback whale. Tourists flock there, since the spectacle of these large mammals kissing offers unique and magical scenes. It is even the cause of a world-famous event : the Whale Festival. The latter come there to mate and procreate, since the water is hot there. However, they are far from suspecting that their romantic dances attract the eyes of the whole less remaining subdued before their ballet flukes, their bump windings, their fins games, their jumps,… During this season, sign up for a sea safari is highly recommended to approach as close as possible of these mammals. Get close too close is prohibited to avoid disturbing, but at least, we will have a better view at sea by staying on the beaches. And after attending the show, the island offers other activities to do such as concerts, sports competitions, cultural tours, hiking or cycling and of course, a wide range of water activities.

The pleasures of the sea

During your stay, you can fully enjoy the white sandy beaches of the island. The turquoise sea also offers many activities, including scuba diving. This will make you discover ancient shipwrecks that lie under water and the inhabitants of the lagoon : sea ​​eagles, colorful fish, lobsters, shells, dolphins, Sea Turtles, rays,… The seabed of the island is effectively a giant aquarium rich in color, in fauna and flora. And if you have time to do a little boat trip, do not forget to visit the islets around the main island, namely the island Forbans, Mrs. island and the island of Mats. If the first is the haunt of pirates, the second houses a rather historic heritage while the latter conspicuous by its magical and desert landscapes. This is the place to be alone with a panoramic view of the turquoise sea.


As for the town of Sainte-Marie, it is home to some points of interest including the church of the same name which is the oldest church in Madagascar. It was actually built in 1857. As his nickname, the garden island, supposed, Sainte-Marie is also a small green paradise with many endemic plant and animal species. The spice cultivation of all kinds predominates, but it has nevertheless all existing tropical Woodland.

To visit

Maso National Park

Wherever et Masoala

The special reserve of Nosy Mangabe and Masoala National Park are accessible from a somewhat strange city, Maroanstera. This is the part of the wettest island.

The special reserve of Nosy Mangabe is ideal for observing chameleons, turtles, frogs, snakes or lemurs. Lucky visitors may see the aye-aye, very particular lemur, Endangered.

The Masoala National Park is probably reserved for the most experienced hikers. Its crossing is difficult, but the brave will be rewarded. Sure 230 000 ha, there are all types of vegetation that exist on the island : Coral reefs, mangroves, rainforests, etc.



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