Nosy Komba


From a small area of 25 km², Nosy Komba is a small link between the Big Island and the island of Nosy-Be. Its territory is mainly occupied by a mountain 622 meters above sea level surrounded by volcanic rocks. The whole is almost entirely covered by dense green forest. From a distance, it looks like a giant turtle shell emerging from the sea surface.


  • Informations
  • Pays: Madagascar
  • City: Nosy Komba
  • Local hour: +1H
  • Change: the
  • Language: Français & Malagasy

Tourist Board Nosy Be:

  • Address : NOSY BE Bazar des Arts, drive from & rsquo; West Ambonara-Hell City, Nosy BE 207-Madagascar
  • Tel: 020 86 920 62 /032 05 546 52
  • Email:
  • Site:

To discover

The island of lemurs

Far from urbanization, Nosy Komba is a small paradise for many of lemurs maki. This is what has earned him the nickname of the island of lemurs. They live freely in the rainforest of the island and starting hiking, you'll have plenty of chance to cross some. They share the territory with reptiles, spiders, …

Nosy Ambariovato

This is the other name of the island which means "surrounded by rocks'. These rocks are the witness of the volcanic past of the island. Some are granite and other basaltic, but magmatic layers managed to infiltrate some of them.

Conducive to tourism

Unlike Nosy Be, which has become a tourist mecca with large modern infrastructure, its neighbor remained authentic and natural. His hundred inhabitants saw no electricity and the only modes of locomotion available there are walking or canoe. The latter is also well used to liaise between the different villages of the island with the binding of Nosy-Be. This authenticity is now increasingly appreciated even if we live in the manner of Robinson Crusoe. It must be said that natural side, the island is what is more authentic and more, vegetation is not devoid of interest. The forest is home to over 180 different species of tropical plants including 70 medicinal plants. For nature lovers, so this is a necessary step during a stay in Madagascar. For the entire visit, you'll have no trouble finding a boat or even better, discover the island with hiking.

Other tourist activities to do

On this piece of land, many activities are possible addition hikes. We can cite : – Diving to discover an exceptional marine fauna : dolphins, rays, turtles, Pisces, … – Le snorkeling – Sea excursions – Small cruise to Nosy Radama and Mitsio Nosy -The visit different villages on the island : Andrekareka, Ampangorina, Antanabe, Antamontamo, Ankiririky, Sarodrano, Antrim Game, Anjiabe, ... These walks allow you to discover the crafts of the inhabitants.

To visit

A sailboat for Mitsio

Nosy Be , Madagascar

To discover the archipelago Mitsio, in Northern Madagascar, good idea is to rent a sailboat with skipper from the island of Nosy Be. The discovery of the strings of islands and islets is a moment of pure happiness.



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