

Nosy Be is one of the destinations not to be missed on a trip to Madagascar. Diving in the Mozambique Channel, on the northwest coast of the Big Island, this destination is located at some 600 km from the national capital. It is distinguished by new and unique natural landscapes on each of the small islands that make up its maritime territory.


  • Pays: Madagascar
  • City: Nosy Be
  • Local hour: +1H
  • Change: the
  • Language: Français & Malagasy

Tourist Board Nosy Be:

  • Address : NOSY BE Bazar des Arts, drive from & rsquo; West Ambonara-Hell City, Nosy BE 207-Madagascar
  • Tel : 020 86 920 62 /032 05 546 52
  • Email:
  • Site:

To discover

Nosy-Be, a "safe haven" in the Indian Ocean

Nosy Be is the largest island located in the northwest area of ​​Madagascar. From the top, Mount Passot, some 430 meters, the view extends from Mozambique to the surface of which are scattered a few small islands in the mysterious personality. As for the interior of the island, lush vegetation and beautiful beaches make up the territory. And to the delight of visitors, climate calls for swimming and sunbathing by the sea.

Islands to discover and visit

Nosy-Be, it is also many small islands whose wealth and diversity are to discover in order to look and feel. To do this, visiting some of these islands is programmed into some formulas of stay in Nosy-Be. Among the most visited, there is the islet Nosy Komba, whose name means "Island of lemurs". His name, we would be surprised to meet here and there, these little creatures present in different species on this island. On its shores, visitors can enjoy the pleasures of diving to cool, but above all to discover the wealth of fauna surrounding waters. Another island that should not be missed during a visit to Nosy Be is Nosy Tanikely whose waters abound with an important diversity of life. The colors and shapes of marine animals found there are to be discovered during a sea dive. Once on land, the rich fauna will not be as rich as the vegetation of the island is home to many species of lemurs, chameleons and bats. Among the islands preferred is the islet Nosy Iranja also called the "Turtle Island", which is just an hour from Nosy-Be. It is characterized by its white beaches with sunsets breathtaking. A lighthouse allows to enjoy the natural wealth which a rich diversity in vegetation and plant species. Its beaches offer at specific times of the year, the spectacle turtle nesting, Events to discover and especially to appreciate.

Nosy-Be, the "perfume island"

The visit of Nosy Be Island is also a journey amidst tropical scents from flowers of the ylang-ylang, this plant whose essence is used in many perfumes and scented products, but also coffee and pepper.

Archipelago Mitsio

A stay at Nosy Be would not be one without visiting the archipelago of Mitsio or at least some of the six islands that make up the. The archipelago comprises the islands of Tsarabanjina, of Nosy Lava, the Nosy Ankara, de la Grande Mitsio, Bench of Castor and Four Brothers. For those seeking tranquility, Tsarabanjina is the destination to be preferred. The island has dense forests which are home to a large rich fauna and floral. Its coasts offer the spectacle of sandy beaches and the sea of ​​a unique blue. With these landscapes, the island of Tsarabanjina is regarded as the best destination in the archipelago of Mitsio. The Four Brothers also worth visiting to discover four peaks majestically out of the Mozambique Channel. Thanks to the natural formation therein, the place is suitable for diving and swimming. In all, a visit to the archipelago of Mitsio means different water activities including skiing, diving course and around its islands by boat. During visits, Guides will be happy to discover rare animals in the archipelago. With all these discoveries, a trip to Nosy Be means not only insured holidays, but also a unique and unforgettable.

To visit

A sailboat for Mitsio

Nosy Be , Madagascar

To discover the archipelago Mitsio, in Northern Madagascar, good idea is to rent a sailboat with skipper from the island of Nosy Be. The discovery of the strings of islands and islets is a moment of pure happiness.



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