

The town of Morondava is located 700 km southwest of the capital of Madagascar. To get there, must take the national road number 7 forking west Antsirabe. This is a port city, one of the largest of the Big Island, known specialists of fauna and flora for its important mangrove cover. What are the sights not to be missed in the territory of Morondava ?


  • Pays: Madagascar
  • City: Morondava
  • Local hour: +1H
  • Change: the
  • Language: Français & Malagasy

Tourist Morondava:

  • Address : Kiosk beside the sea Nosikely Road – Morondava
  • Tel : 034 41 163 72
  • Email:
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To discover

A discovery of the architecture of the city

With port activity Morondava, the city was a place of exchange of goods and people between Madagascar and nearby countries. It was thus marked by a significant foreign presence, who left here and there some remains of its passage. The architecture of the city is an example, particularly in the city center where a few colonial buildings still exist. A hike to the Independence Avenue is also preferable during a stay in Morondava. This is an opportunity to take pictures with friends and family. Furthermore, tourist streets of the city consist of multiple dining options and quality accommodation.

The discovery of its natural wealth

For those considering a stay of discovery of the natural resources available to the town of Morondava, we must not overlook the forests Andranomena, de Watch, Analabe of and above the reserve Kirindy. The latter offers significant biodiversity can discover both day and night. Effectively, a night tour can be programmed within the reserve promising, including accommodation. Par ailleurs, for any visit to these natural environments, it is important to respect the customs of the local population, mainly regarding banned or sacred places. These are most often subject to certain restrictions called "fady" or "prohibited" in French.

Belo-sur-mer, à 80 km along the Mozambique Channel

Traveling on some 80 km south of Morondava, we landed at the small village of Belo-sur-mer. The site is distinguished by the beauty of its beach. It is full of fish and other aquatic animals to discover impressive during a diving session. Par ailleurs, the sea is ideal for kiteboarding, but dangerous for swimming due to the strong force of the waves. As for its beach, it is perfect for sunbathing.

An incomparable cultural richness

A stay at the heart of Morondava and its surrounding villages will be a special opportunity to discover the culture of its inhabitants. Among the cultural events not to miss, there circumcision period called "ASA lolo" which are often major holidays opportunities in villages. The cult of "whirlwind", similar to voodoo cults, will also offer a new experience. The dates for other events such as the "moraingy" are also noted on his calendar when it comes to the town of Morondava. The cultural wealth of its inhabitants, from the Sakalava people is also shown at royal tombs. Besides the charm and originality of the buildings themselves, frescoes and pictures drawn around also tell the history of the country. To access these sites, it is sometimes necessary to travel by canoe.

The alley of baobabs

The fame of the town of Morondava nationally is made from the famous "alley of baobabs". This is an alignment of several baobab trees on both sides of the road leading to Antananarivo. It is 15 km from the city. The site offers an ideal place to take souvenir photos, the driveway is one of the key pieces of tourism in this part of Madagascar.

Les Tsingy de Bemaraha

For those who have time to travel a little further Morondava, head to the Tsingy of Bemaraha, some 200 km from the city. You will not be disappointed because you will discover one of the sites listed as UNESCO World Heritage of the Big Island. This is a large extended karst forming peaks skyward. In its surroundings, River Manambolo offers impressive fauna and flora corners where water and shelter to drink. The site is rich in endemic counting several species of animals unique to Madagascar. Whether to discover the urban landscape of Morondava, mangroves nestled in the heart of the city or its surrounding sites, stay in this city will not disappoint its visitors.

To visit

Belo sea

Belo sea

Hard to imagine discovering the West means without boarding, à Morondava, Belo sea located 80km south of the capital and is Menabe, also, accessible by land outside the rainy season which runs from January to April. The peninsula of Belo on Sea has a coastline where rocks and sandy beaches alternate, offering with the sea takes all the colors from deep blue to green translucent, striking contrasts.

The mangroves surrounding this small fishing village is huge.

The incessant ballet of sailing canoes coming ashore onto the beach gives this resort, with some hotels, an inescapable charm.

The renowned shipyard, which remains completely handmade, which give rise to large dhows plying the Mozambique Channel is to go. Between the pounding tools handled by "naval architect" and the laughter of children ...

Still further south, by tracks that are lost in the savannah or baobab forests, is accessed Morombe and to sites such Andavadoaka and Salary that leave you flabbergasted. The lagoons to the infinite range of subtle colors and sandy beaches in the immediate outskirts of the forest ... dream of paradise more ?

Source :

Kimony, serenity on a dream beach

Kimony, one of the two beautiful beaches of Morondava, is now easily accessible by any vehicle after long months of renovation work of the track between the main paved road and the beach.

For the comfort and pleasure of its customers, Kimony Resort has brought its touch of decor and comfort to make kimony, one of the most beautiful beaches of Madagascar and the Indian Ocean :

- Development of a few cottages
- Installation of chairs and tables
- Provision of umbrellas, entirely from local production
- Installation of a wooden bar to keep the natural setting, relaxation and escape.

The Kimony beach is ideal for clients who are looking for calm, peace, serenity. It also gives the opportunity to have an insight on the specifics of the local life, by some canoes, Fishermen and women Masonjoany masks, visible on the coast.


The alley of baobabs

Located on the trail of Belo-sur-Tsiribihina, à 18 km of Morondava, the alley of baobabs is the most extraordinary collection of these giants of the plant world on the Big Island. Twenty of them will lead the way in their huge trunks proudly above the rice fields. The performance is even more impressive at dawn or sunset. Nearby is the amazing love baobab, whose two trunks entwined like two people for eternity.

The Beach Nosy Kely

islets, well known for its extensive and wide white sand beach, is the most touristy place where Morondava Hotel, Restaurant and Bar tributary, and there for every budget, from simple bungalow or guest room in luxury, suite, Pool and Spa.

Nosikely is distinguished by its beautiful and large white sand beach.

The sunset survoltant beach attracts many curious where the cast it is with great pleasure , both pro and amateurs.


Tsingy de Bemaraha

The Tsingy are amazing rock formations krastiques. The site is part of the World Heritage Site. Erosion has shaped a landscape full of mysteries and thousands of sharp needles pointing skyward protect this exceptional environment from human interference. They form an impressive maze and are home to wildlife and a rich endemic flora.

The park covers an area of 150 000 hectares and is easily accessible to the independent traveler. The forms of travel agencies usually incorporate the descent of Tsiribihina or Manambolo with an excursion in the park. An incredible adventure reserved for travelers who do not have vertigo ...

La Tsiribihina

Miandrivazo , Madagascar

Join the west coast of Madagascar nonchalantly sliding on the Tsiribihina is a great idea ! Travelers will be delighted with special moments in contact with an exceptional nature. Crocos, lemurs, chameleons, Birds of all kinds but also natural pools canyons, large areas, virgin forests ... it's majestic !

The hard downhill 3 à 4 days. Sometimes the local people come to greet the travelers on their camp. Beautiful meetings around the fire during which the Malagasy people and travelers, young and old, sing and dance to the rhythm of Artisan guitar.



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