

Located northwest of Madagascar, Mahajanga Mahajanga or in its Malagasy name, is a port city in the Boeny region. Its name comes from the Arab word Antalaotra "Mji Angaia" which means "the city of flowers" while Boeny means "where there are baobabs," or "where there are stones". Its etymology is assumed that the city has a cosmopolitan population brings together various ethnic groups of the Big Island as the Sakalava and Tsimihety and many foreigners like Arabs, Indians, Europeans, Comorians, the Chinese,... Every people has brought its culture making Mahajanga a perfect exotic destination with a rich cultural heritage.


  • Pays : Madagascar
  • City : Majunga
  • Local hour : +1H
  • Change : the
  • Language : Français & Malagasy

Tourist Mahajanga :

  • Address : 14,avenue Philibert Tsiranana, Manga Imm. Madagascar National Parks(MNP)Mahajanga
  • Tel : 020 62 931 88/ 034 08 088 80 / 032 40 029 89
  • Email :
  • Site :

To discover

Visit the city

The city is 550 km from Antananarivo exiting towards the N4. It occupies a large area with many central neighborhoods and suburbs. For more visit, it is advisable to start with its legendary waterfront : « the edge ». This is especially alive when the sun sets off. Not only, you can enjoy a beautiful sunset, but also experience a festive atmosphere with the delicious scent of mosakiky or skewer in the background. Along the waterfront, you will find the imposing building of the National Bank of Madagascar, many restaurants, an amusement park and other large buildings, witness the progressive urbanization of the city. In the middle of this place called “  Bord », one can not miss the famous baobab bicentennial, the pride of the city. Starting from there, you can have many directions to explore every corner of Mahajanga. During the day, it is especially advisable to take bajajy, tuc tuc-kind or rickshaws to stay cool. The city also has several bus lines, that will take you everywhere even to go to the small beach or the beach Amborovy. You should know that the waterfront is quite rocky and is not suitable for swimming or other water activities.

The beaches

Mahajanga, the city does not house beaches, but we must go a step further to about ten kilometers from downtown, to Amborovy to benefit from the white sand and turquoise sea. It is a popular beach that attracts many tourists and natives of the island. It is situated near the traditional village of Amborovy that despite the presence of a few concrete buildings, has kept its traditional appearance and country. In terms of beaches Amborovy, you have the choice between the small beach which is smaller as the name suggests, and the great bulwark is broader, but is not served by a bus line. This makes it quieter and less crowded.

Le Parc National d'Ankarafantsika

Departing from Antananarivo, National Park Ankarafantsika is a must. If you go by private car, a visit to this site is highly recommended to discover the wealth of flora and fauna of the Big Island. The park is 115 km before arriving in Mahajanga. A visit allows you to discover : – The forest station Ampijoroa which extends over an area of 4 920 ha – A rainforest which skirts a dry forest – Some lakes – Near 130 bird species – reptiles – A dozen species of lemurs – Flamingos – Culture Sakalava The site offers visitors seven different tour routes so as to have time to see everything, it is advisable to sleep there in tents. Whether in terms of fauna or flora, Ankarafantsika has a high rate of endemism hence the interest to go down there and enjoy the visit. A choice, you will have available the following circuits : – Source View – coquereli – Baobab – Retendrika – Adakrokrok – Pachypodium Rosilatum – Nightlife Throughout the visit, we meet successively in a lush forest backdrop to more dry and arid places until arriving in Savannah style area. Animal and plant species found vary As we dive into this world rich in biodiversity.

the port

For several years the big ships do not dock in the port, was once a prosperous port of trade. Anyway, smaller vessels still drop their moorings in the platforms of the Bombetoka which follows the port to Dhows. The latter is close to the ferry terminal, where you have to take small boats to the village of Katsepy. The port is busy throughout the day, but when South will peak, he falls asleep like the rest of the city because of the high heat.

Natural sites

During your visit to Ambororvy, do not miss, near beaches, the famous Cirque Rouge. The site is named in pastel colors, ocher and blood of the land that shapes the canyon. The latter was carved over the years by the sea wind and water. It gives an almost magical vision where peace and silence reign supreme.

Around the city

Lac de sacré Mangatsa, caves Anjohibe, Waterfalls Mahafanina, mangrove, ... surrounding the city so do not hesitate to push further your adventure majungaise.

To visit

Grottes de Belobaka

This set of 7 independent cave is a place of offerings allows us to understand many aspects of worship and traditional Sakalava.
Issues of a karst formation of the Mesozoic era (65 million years), these small caves contain subfossil lemurs and hippos, stalactites and stalagmites and allow a short visit to discover the main aspects of these geological formations.
Neighboring villages make bricks and lime : authentic scenes, attractive and rewarding.
A 11km from downtown. Accessible from April to November. hike, taxi or bus. Guided tours.


National Park of the Bay of Baly

A 150km de Mahajanga, Baly Bay at the bottom of which lies the small town of Soalala, is bordered by the eponymous National Park, natural habitat of the turtle spur "Angonoky" who lives in exuberant bamboo. dense and dry forest, lakes and marshes, sand dunes overlooking the Mozambique Channel home quantity of water birds and lemurs. beautiful scenery.
Accessible by sea or by land (practicable route in dry season and 4 × 4), Soalala has some accommodations and restaurants. Within the PN Baly are arranged circuits 3h (between the other angonoky circuit 4km) à 2 days.



This authentic and wild, the heart of the 'bush' nearby Mahajanga, is conveniently accessible from the coast. D'Antsanitia (40mn de Mahajanga), we can embark on a traditional canoe and reach the village of Marosakoa fishermen and immense virgin beaches.

Crossing the mangroves to the village of Mariarano where it is possible to bivouac in a community camp that promotes contact with welcoming locals.

three circuits. "Vakombahy" the name of a lemur : geckos, uroplatus, chameleons, reptiles and birds abound (1,3km - easy). "Tsara Tsiko" for a forest crossing (endemic lemurs and plants) until the sea (8km which can be covered in part by cart to zebu - 2h / 3h).

The circuit "Matsedroy" (12km by foot or wagon - 3h / 3:30) can browse a forest and along 3 lacs : exceptional birdlife, crocodiles, lemurs, visit villages and craft activities (distillerie…).
The Mariarano camp can accommodate a dozen tents (provided) and accommodate up 30 people.

Restoration organized by villagers.

It is possible to continue to the caves Anjohibe nearby.


The Caves' anjohibe

Accessible by a trail through savannah and cashew plantations (cashew nut), Anjohibe the site brings together extremely diverse tourist attractions that deserve to stay there at least one night (camps on site).

The caves are a network of interconnected rooms with one another over several kilometers : Many limestone concretions forming towering stalactites and stalagmites that can exceed 10m in height. the most important speleological site Madagascar.

Lake Andranojoby is a real natural pool. downstream, Falls offer a vertical drop of 20m. A small adjacent forest is populated by easily observable lemurs (Coquerel's sifaka).

A circuit leads from the site, à travers la baie de Mahajamba (huge mangroves and birds, Traditional activities in the villages ...), to River bridge Sofia on the RN6 (20km from Port-Bergé): for those who want to continue their discovery of Madagascar by the northernmost regions.

Accessible from April to November 4 x 4 (63km of a road 20km preceded track paved from Mahajanga city).

Many guided tours : boat ride, caves, mangrove, villages….


Cirque Rouge

Accessible by a trail through savannah and cashew plantations (cashew nut), Anjohibe the site brings together extremely diverse tourist attractions that deserve to stay there at least one night (camps on site).

The caves are a network of interconnected rooms with one another over several kilometers : Many limestone concretions forming towering stalactites and stalagmites that can exceed 10m in height. the most important speleological site Madagascar.

Lake Andranojoby is a real natural pool. downstream, Falls offer a vertical drop of 20m. A small adjacent forest is populated by easily observable lemurs (Coquerel's sifaka).

A circuit leads from the site, à travers la baie de Mahajamba (huge mangroves and birds, Traditional activities in the villages ...), to River bridge Sofia on the RN6 (20km from Port-Bergé): for those who want to continue their discovery of Madagascar by the northernmost regions.

Accessible from April to November 4 x 4 (63km of a road 20km preceded track paved from Mahajanga city).

Many guided tours : boat ride, caves, mangrove, villages….


Le Parc National d'Ankarafantsika

This major eco-tourism site, managed by Madagascar National Parks and extending over more than 130 000ha, consists of several ecosystems : lac Ravelobe (27ha) populated by herons and ducks, Canyon d'Adakrokrok (geological formation of many colors) and finally a dense forest dry semi-deciduous housing 129 species of birds 66 endemic, 8 lemur species, reptiles and amphibians ...

The 110km of Mahajanga (2hr drive). 7 main circuits. in one day, it is possible to browse the Canyon, the circuitry Coquereli (2km - easy) and walk around the lake. It is advisable however to stay there two days. Accommodation (bungalows and campsites) and catering on site or in the village of Andranofasika (7km from the park entrance).


Parc National des Tsingy de Namoroka

A 50km south of Soalala, this chaos of limestone carved for thousands of years by wind and rain over 2000ha offer on a succession of caves and joints (narrow passages). On its sharp spikes grow baobabs and rare pachypodiums. True nature sanctuary.
Open from May to November with a "sport" track, NP Namoroka is crossed by several circuits (Ambovon'omby-24km-3h en 4x4 ; Dev-24km-3h en 4x4) and deserves to stay there at least 48 hours. Accommodation and food Homestays, simple and friendly. Overview can tsingy from Mahajanga.



25km north of Mahajanga is authentic fishing villages located along a vast unspoilt beach. The site allows to enjoy these wild regions : ascent, canoe or catamaran, Morira the river and discover a populated mangrove birds, rides in small forests and endemic fauna (lemurs and brown lemurs, chameleons ...), hiking across the savannah dotted with majestic "satrana" (palmiers) and crossing of villages, Traditional fishing or "sport" ... ideal starting point for "whale safaris" in July in October.

The sacred lake of Mangatsa is easily accessible from Antsanitia.

Accessible year round (provide a vehicle 4 x 4 in the rainy season). 40min from the airport by a track which crosses villages and savannah.

Access also possible by sea (canoe or speedboat) see on foot or mountain bike.


sacred Lake Mamngatsa

A 18 km northeast of the city center, this peaceful place retains Nature, culture and tradition sakalava : sacred lakes eels and carp of impressive size bathe in a natural aquarium, a place of worship sacred trees surrounded by scarlet fabrics, pristine fabrics, Malagasy flag and offerings by way of wishes granted recognition are visible, crocodiles in captivity, white lemurs released, baobab thousand branches without forgetting the Museum Philibert TSIRANANA that evokes the story of Father of the Malagasy Republic.

Hunting wild duck and wild boar is a star attraction of this place.

Important : It is prohibited to fish and bathe in the sacred lake.

Visit recommended outside day "fady" (Tuesday and Thursday)


Accessibility : All year - Provide a 4x4 in the rainy season
A 30 minute drive from Mahajanga airport

Entrance : pay

pay circuits :
- Visit the sacred tamarind
- Visit the Sacred Lake
- Visit cages crocodiles, the "Bozy be" or baobab thousand branches and white lemurs (Coquerel's sifaka)
- Visit the Museum Philibert TSIRANANA
- Hunting and fishing

guidance :
– Guide local
- Tour Guides of Mahajanga

Home Capabilities :
- camping

Restoration :
- Provide for a picnic.


Majunga plage

The city of Mahajanga present this delightful originality of owning beautiful beaches, close to the city center and therefore easily accessible. Beach Tourist Village (downtown), Small Amborovy beach lined with casuarinas, Beach Grand Pavois (10km) where many restaurants are installed, Beach Ampazony (15km) near Red circuses, beaches Ampasindava (20km) et d'Antsanitia (25km).

The more one moves away from the mouth of the Betsiboka and the waters are clear. Several beaches are equipped with straw huts and mats, Family ideal places to relax.




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