Diego Suarez


Diego-Suarez, known locally as Antsiranana is a city located in the region which is on the northern tip of Madagascar. It is distinguished by its port is the third largest of the Big Island. Starting from Antananarivo, the local capital, must be some 1173 km to get there. Off its coast are the Comoros that guarantee the cultural wealth of its inhabitants.


  • Pays: Madagascar
  • City: Diego-Suarez
  • Local hour: +1H
  • Change: the
  • Language: Français & Malagasy

Office of Diego Suarez tourism:

  • Address: Angle Rue Flacourt Rue Colbert 201 Antsiranana
  • Tel : 032 43 231 61
  • Email: tourismediego@gmail.com
  • Site : www.office-tourisme-diego-suarez.com

To discover

Meet a cosmopolitan population

When speaking of the city of Diego Suarez, we can not forget the source of its name. The latter comes from the names of the two men who discovered, here four centuries, Diego Suarez Diaz et l'Amiral. The bay which earned him his fame was the Indian Ocean mooring place pirate boats. Today, this bay is considered one of the most popular in the world, offering splendid beaches. But the city is also distinguished by the plurality of cultures that makes up the population. Effectively, Diego Suarez is the most cosmopolitan city of the Big Island in only counting people from its surrounding islands including the Comoros Islands.

Tourist places to discover

In circuits discovery of various travel agencies that operate in the city of Diego are several attractions not to miss. Of those, there is the Windsor Castle which, down from its 391 m, offers a breathtaking view of the entire Diego Bay. A few kilometers away is the massive Tsaratanana. This is one of the highlights of the Big Island with some 2874 m d’altitude. A little lower, but no less interesting, the "French Mountain" has a top that is 426 m above sea level. It offers a very interesting climbing circuit for the more adventurous visitors to the city. Other unusual venues including Amber Mountain and its National Park are to be discovered during a stay in Dego-Suarez.

unpublished natural scenery and wealth

Diégo, it is also the white beaches for relaxation with family or friends. On the beach of Ramena, for example, coral reef allows to practice several water sports except swimming and scuba diving. Off the Indian Ocean are available under the three bays of the Dunes, Pigeons and Sakalava. Each bay and between-they are a wealth of greenery and important wildlife, easily translating the natural wealth of the entire Big Island. Pachypodiums, drought tolerant plants, but also quail and pigeons endemic species may be encountered throughout the visit of these natural territories of Diego.

To visit

The three bays

Antsiranana, Madagascar
The 3 Berries are accessible after 1 km walk from Ramena. The first of them, Bay Dunes, is deserted and magical. A little further, Bay of Sakalava is even more impressive. And finally, we discovered the bay pigeons. These beautiful stretches of sand lined by a varied vegetation were still banned there is little (Formerly a military zone). They remain little known and little used.

An incredible color emerald sea oil also offers visitors safe for swimming. The place is ideal for fishing lobster. Just hope that this natural setting of stunning beauty is not a day operated by big names from mass tourism. The government, nowadays, refused any construction project along these bays.

Massif of Ankarana

The massif of Ankarana wins. The course is difficult but the efforts were quickly rewarded. A few days spent on site allow hikers to enjoy a virgin nature and enjoying the unique and endemic to Madagascar. The training in spikes, called Tsingy (stone forest), make several dozen meters high. This limestone massif, he long ago under the sea, has eroded with time and was carved by rain. The sharp peaks require the utmost caution when changing the site.

Fauna is not remains. The lemurs and chameleons have colonized the site. Giant bats make their home in the many sacred caves in the region. In a word, Ankarana is a great adventure ! Note that there are great Tsingy in southern Madagascar (Tsingy of Bemaraha which is part of world heritage).


Antsiranana, Madagascar
Brought back is a nice little fishing village, close to Antsiranana (Diégo-Suarez) accessible by a road along the bay where sits proudly Sugar Loaf. It is an opportunity to make a stop to admire this extraordinary panorama. Brought has a nice beach. The village is charming, pleasant.

Several choices are offering travelers : enjoy the serenity of the village letting the time pass, to sea and discover breathtaking scenery along the coast or to the 3 berries. Leave this area is difficult, it can be with all the ingredients for happy days.

The emerald sea

Antsiranana Madagascar

The emerald sea is not far from Diego Suarez. The traveler can get there thanks to a negotiated boat with a fisherman in the village of Ramena. In bad season, the ride can be dangerous but the show is unusual. Even the most jaded will be amazed by the almost unreal color of the sea.

Diving enthusiasts underwater but also gourmets will be delighted. On deserted and paradisiacal beaches, your meal, locally caught, gate quietly on a firewood. ensured freshness and flavors. This place wakes the Robinson Crusoe in everyone of us.



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