Show organizers ITM 2016 have focused this year on the combination of leisure and tourism. This international event will be held in the capital in June.

Hobbies. This will be the theme for the fifth edition of the International Tourism Fair Madagascar (ITM). This international meeting will be held in Anosy, in the heart of the Malagasy capital of 2 the 4 June. “Leisure will be there this year. Sports leisure, cultural and many others will occupy an important place during the event. The objective will therefore be to promote tourism while promoting natural heritage., cultural and environmental in interaction with leisure offers », announces Tsitohaina Andriamanohera from the Madagascar National Tourism Office (ONTM).
As usual, several events are planned during this fifth edition, namely conferences on different themes of the tourism industry, meetings between different players in the sector.
“The occasion will give national economic operators the opportunity to exchange and establish partnerships”, mentions the organizers. It is a real platform for exchanges between different operators..

Destination Madagascar
Nearly a hundred exhibitors responded to the invitation from the initiators of this major annual meeting of Indian Ocean tourism.. Tourist operators, airlines, the hotel and catering sector, tour operators and travel agencies, leisure centers, artisans, even training centers, as well as partners from the sector will show their know-how during these few days of the event. The opportunity to promote the Madagascar destination.
But the ITM is also a showcase for promoting the Indian Ocean destination. The event is also part of the Iles Vanille label., which is a concept emphasizing the construction of links and exploiting the synergy between the islands of the Indian Ocean for the creation of tourist combinations which will promote inter-island exchanges . So professionals in the sector, members of the Vanilla Islands are expected, namely the IRT of Reunion, the MPTA of Mauritius, the Seychelles STB, ONTC of Comoros and CDTM of Mayotte.

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