
Gastronomy - Mariette Andrianjaka menu at the Louvre

Gastronomy - Mariette Andrianjaka menu at the Louvre

By Fort Philippe  /  22 June 2017
Emblem living Malagasy gastronomy, chef Mariette Andrianjaka will be the guest of "Duo des chefs" this Friday at ...
With Booking Travel, the client is king !

With Booking Travel, the client is king !

By Fort Philippe  /  21 June 2017
Gone are taxed circuits ! Finally, Booking through Travel, the tourist is able to create his own trip..
Madagascar is one of the best destinations for sport fishing in Nosy-Be

Madagascar is one of the best destinations for sport fishing in Nosy-Be

By Fort Philippe  /  21 June 2017
The Big Island is positioned today as one of the main sport fishing destinations. A good reputation she owes ...
Madagascar: 5 reasons to visit Mahajanga

Madagascar: 5 reasons to visit Mahajanga

By Fort Philippe  /  21 June 2017
Starting point for exploring the west coast of Madagascar, Mahajanga, this cosmopolitan city full of charms, is very...
Tourism: when starting in Madagascar?

Tourism: when starting in Madagascar?

By Fort Philippe  /  21 June 2017
Moving to Madagascar, you dream but you hesitate ? Here's everything you need to know to get to ...
Carnival Madagascar : An early fanfare and colorful !

Carnival Madagascar : An early fanfare and colorful !

By Fort Philippe  /  19 June 2017
A touch of fantasy, a touch of madness and a pinch of originality, ce carnaval se voulait sous le signe du...
08 the 16 July 2017 : Whale Festival on Île Sainte Marie

08 the 16 July 2017 : Whale Festival on Île Sainte Marie

By Fort Philippe  /  19 June 2017
Safari durant le Festival des baleines A partir du 10 July to 14 PM, un safari est...
Voyages | custom circuit Search Portal for Internet, independent media for informational purposes

Voyages | custom circuit Search Portal for Internet, independent media for informational purposes

By Fort Philippe  /  19 June 2017
Custom Travel Creator, Circuit Custom , Booking Voyages, exauce vos rêves d’exploration et vous invite à découvrir de...
Discover the Pirates Cemetery in Sainte-Marie

Discover the Pirates Cemetery in Sainte-Marie

By Fort Philippe  /  16 June 2017
Ce petit clip sur le cimetière des Pirates de l'île Sainte Marie à Madagascar, mythical, always visited, les tombes...
Demo online during the show # Itm2017

Demo online during the show # Itm2017

By Fort Philippe  /  8 June 2017
Online Hotel Booking Madagascar demonstration on booth C29, Friday 9 June from 10am. Venez...
cruises : transport means adapted to disabled persons

cruises : transport means adapted to disabled persons

By Rivo  /  6 June 2017
Soucieuses d'offrir un confort irréprochable à leurs passagers à mobilité réduite, de nombreuses compagnies de croisières à l'instar de Costa...
Find booking hotel madagascar at the itm fair 2017 : An innovative agency in the hotel industry in Madagascar

Find booking hotel madagascar at the itm fair 2017 : An innovative agency in the hotel industry in Madagascar

By Rivo  /  6 June 2017
Booking Hotel Madagascar is a portal that brings together hoteliers, les prestataires et les voyageurs désireux de séjourner à Madagascar....
African Popular Destination

African Popular Destination

By Rivo  /  31 May 2017
Need an exotic experience during a trip to Tanzania ? Un passage au lac Natron est sûrement une idée de...
Find Booking Hotel Madagascar at the #ITM2017 show !

Find Booking Hotel Madagascar at the #ITM2017 show !

By Fort Philippe  /  30 May 2017
The date of the International Tourism Fair in Madagascar is approaching. For the year 2017, it is planned on 8, 9, 10 and...
ITM 2017 : « eductours », for an increase in tourism in Madagascar

ITM 2017 : « eductours », for an increase in tourism in Madagascar

By Rivo  /  26 May 2017
More than 100 foreign tour operators and travel agents accompanied by 14 international journalists will crisscross Madagascar from 01 to ...
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