Madagascar is one of the most intriguing countries in the world tourism market. This forge his popularity. The island is so famous for its hotels, its monuments, its endemic species and its traditional values. The reflection of the landscape is a strong attraction. Its capital, the city of Antananarivo, is able to receive many visitors with its large hotel capacity. Let's turn to some of its neighborhoods and their infrastructure.

Both tunnels Tana

The tunnels are part of the Malagasy landscape. Many of them line the train runs from Madagascar. In Madagascar capital, Tana, the tunnel Ambanidia was formerly called Cayla. He bore the name of former Governor General of the island (1930 – 1939, 1940 – 1941). His study began in 1924. Its construction lasted 6 years, from 1932 à 1938.

Quant au tunnel d'Ambohidahy, it was called Garbit tunnel. Hubert Garbit was the governor general of Madagascar from August 1914 and September 1917, then from May 1920 and March 1923. The drilling of the tunnel lasted ten years, between 1914 and 1924.

Analakely, a neighborhood in constant evolution

This area of ​​downtown Tana houses Independence Avenue. This is the scene of various events. The City Hall has just been renovated, or rather rebuilt, was already on site 1936. La Place d'Anjoma, she, home market. Previously appointed by Cayla (always) in 1932, her name instead Flacourt. Lately, She has had some refurbishments.

Bridges Antananarivo also turn

La Rivière d'Ikopa Travers la capitale de Madagascar, Antananarivo. Many bridges were then created to span the watercourse. Andohatapenaka, Anosizato, Mandroseza, Tanjombato with a Bailey bridge inaugurated in 1997. Their common feature, it is their discrete transformation with time. They gradually debone the benefit vandals, as signs. Les rambardes des ponts d'Anosizato et d'Andohatapenaka disparaissent au point d'en faire des victims. As for the bridge Tanjombato, many items are gone. The connecting bolts are suspicious traces of vain attempts unbolting (night,without a doubt).

Hotels Tana

The Swans
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The Swans

5FF7+QP6, Lalana Doc. Joseph Raseta, Antananarivo 105

from 187.200With /night

Jinhai Hotel
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Jinhai Hotel

5 bis rue Andrianampoinimerina Analakely, 101 Capital Antananarivo, Madagascar

from 70.200With /night

HAVANA Resort & Spa
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HAVANA Resort & Spa

4 Rue Razafindratandra Ambohidahy

from 234.000With /night

JJ House
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JJ House

Lot 10 B Bis Alasora Antananarivo Madagascar

from 113.100With /night

IRA Hotel Restaurant
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IRA Hotel – Restaurant

9, rue Rakotonirina Stanislas, Isoraka - 101 ANTANANARIVO

from 66.300With /night

the Combava
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the Combava

Lot IV C 1C Ambodihady Ambohimanarina, Antananarivo, Madagascar

from 132.600With /night

Anja Hotel
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Anja Hotel

89, road Ranaivo R. - Tsaralalana

from 78.000With /night

Motel Anosy d’Antananarivo
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Motel Anosy d’Antananarivo

Route d'Arivonimamo, Anosy, Tananarive

from 89.700With /night

Hotel Tamboho
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Hotel Tamboho

Tana Water Front - Ambodivona, Antananarivo

from 518.700With /night

Chez sounds
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Chez sounds

Lot IC 161 Ankadilalampotsy Andoharanofotsy

from 78.000With /night

Carlton Madagascar
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Carlton Madagascar

Rue Pierre Stibbe- Anosy 959, Antananarivo 101

from 448.500With /night

The manor
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The manor

31 Rue Andriba, South Mahamasina

from 97.500With /night