Madagascar, a name automatically think of a paradise island, sublime beaches and beautiful hotels. Many and varied, hotels draw a lot of inspiration from local culture for their design and no hotel is similar to another.

Influenced by local culture, hotels mix tradition and modernism in their construction. Some hotels choose instead to turn towards a more contemporary and avant-garde design. Nevertheless, the hotels do not lack elegance and charm. With a view to seducing and attracting customers, hotels compete in imagination to offer incredible places with an atmosphere of tranquility and conviviality.

Certainly, There is no shortage of beautiful hotels in Madagascar and they are perfectly enhanced by the postcard landscapes that the island boasts.. Whether inland or all along the coast, beautiful hotels each have their seductive assets. In the capital, for example, there are luxurious establishments like the Colbert which has an astonishing spa and a very renowned pastry shop.. Posted on the heights, the Colbert combines elegance and luxury with passion and happens to be one of the most beautiful hotels in the capital. ToutMada has managed to bring together the vast majority of hotels in the country and leaves it to you to select the future location of your vacation..