Publicize the tourist wealth of Madagascar : this is the workhorse of all stakeholders in the tourism sector in Madagascar. The State, through the Ministry of Tourism, and also other service providers through good initiatives (“Balloon Rally” ; « Lemur Trophy ») promote it best.

Avril 2016, Madagascar welcomes for the first time in the annals of national tourism the first hot air balloon rally, having seen the participation of 24 international crews. D'Andraikiba, western part of Vakinaratra, the world champions carry with them international tourists for a unique discovery taking them above the Allée des Baobabs or the Tsingy of the Great West axis. Stunning aerial shots, moments immortalized !

Return to dry land with raid 4×4 Lemur Trophy

Next October will be organized another rally, this one reserved for off-road cars : Lemur Trophy. On the same principle as the epic race, Camel Trophy. A true “Olympic Games of 4×4 », this race requires knowledge of off-road driving, mechanical and in sense of orientation.

But the watchword remains the discovery of the landscapes of Madagascar, an authentic adventure and a tourist raid. In the program, the participation of companies with their employees, friends or clients to experience unique moments, meeting the southwest axis of the Big Island.

For each stable, the crew will be made up of a pilot and his co-pilot, a mechanic and attendants. The start will be given for the quads, SSV et 4×4 towards the end of October (27), for an adventure of around ten 10 days (6 November). On your marks…

lemur trophy