More than 100 foreign tour operators and travel agents accompanied by 14 international journalists will crisscross Madagascar from 01 the 14 June with a one-day visit to the ITM show.

Following Madagascar's participation in trade fairs with the aim of establishing contacts, it’s the turn of resellers and international tourism professionals to come and discover the sector’s tourist offerings, during the ITM show 2017 of 8 the 11 June at the Village Francophonie. Like every year, the ITM show brings together all professionals in the tourism sector. At the end of the study markets of the new strategy, six countries will be the guests from priority markets, namely France., suisse, the meeting, Italy, South Africa and the United Kingdom. For this edition, China will also be present at the show. A Chinese delegation will soon be in our walls.
This activity is part of an integrated strategy carried out since the “Treasure Island” rebranding in September 2016 at the end of which the Madagascar destination adopted a new visual identity and a new promotion strategy.

343 000 tourists for 2017
The revival of the tourism sector is a priority for the National Tourism Office of Madagascar (ONTM) but also for the ministry of tourism. ONTM has set up eductours and press trips to deepen knowledge of the destination, to encourage operators to reprogram the Madagascar destination and reposition the Madagascar destination.

The Ministry of Tourism is positive for the tourist season 2017. If the number of tourists in 2016 was from 293 000, for this year Madagascar could reach the 343 000 tourists, that is to say an increase in 20%. To guarantee this data, the Minister of Tourism Rolland Ratsiraka announced that two large cruise ships with no less than 100 000 tourists should arrive on the Big Island soon.

The signing of partnership agreements with the ONTM and the Ministry of Tourism and ITM eductours 2017 took place today at the IBIS Ankorondrano hotel, like the PIC Integrated Growth Poles Project which contributed up to 50 000 euro, air madagacsar which supports 40 Tour Operators, Regional Tourist Offices, Madagascar National Parks and hotel establishments in Antananarivo.

