Need an exotic experience during a trip to Tanzania ? A visit to Lake Natron is surely a circuit idea not to be missed. This reserve is located in the northernmost part of the country., au fond du Gregory Rift. It measures almost 56 km long 24 km of wide surroundings. By its name, this natural wonder features a high salt content and high temperature, reaching the 50 °C. Thereby, it has become a breeding and nesting place for lesser flamingos. Besides these specimens, endemic fish such as alkaline tilapia species inhabit this environment. All these animals feed on micro-organisms or “Spirulina” which develop in the waters of this reservoir.. In order to enjoy an exceptional view of this place, hikers will be able to climb one of the mountains located in the vicinity of this site, preferably in the morning. Arrived at a certain height, they will see an impressive spectacle thanks to the presence of 2,5 millions of waders of a sparkling pink color, decorating the blue bottoms of Lake Natron.

Wildlife species of the Moyowosi territory
Staying in Tanzania is an opportunity for explorers to discover lands unknown to travelers. Indeed, the Moyowosi reserve, located in the west of the country, surely worth a detour. Despite its creation since 1981, this natural site is not very popular. However, it is characterized by a large population of buffalo, lions and leopards. This protected area is sure to appeal to safari enthusiasts, because it also presents extremely rare species, like the shoebills which are on the verge of extinction. The latter are defined as shy birds and measure almost 1 m. Apart from these specimens, the topis also lives in the Moyowosi area. It's a kind of brown antelope, marked by a black spot and ribbed horns. Most of the time, backpackers will see them on termite mounds. To access this region, during their Africa tour, tourists will have to take the northern road to Mugombe, approximately at 125 km from Kigoma.

Venturing into Tanzanian and Kenyan lands
Lovers of wide open spaces and trekking will have the opportunity to do a combination of circuit Kenya and Tanzania in one tour. Among the most popular routes, the routes from the surroundings of the Kilimanjaro massif to the expanses of the Massai Mara plains are the most interesting. First, globetrotters will visit Kilimanjaro National Park, a reserve with an approximate surface area of 756 km². This hosts the three Tanzanian massifs, including Shira, the Mawenzi and the Kibo, the highest point of Africa. Also, it is the natural habitat of more than 140 mammal species. There are mainly carnivores, antelopes, monkeys, bats and a large family of birds. After a hike in this region, the walkers will pass through the territory of Amboseli which belongs to the Maasai people. The latter is located to the northwest of Kilimanjaro, on the border of Tanzania. Its soils are watered by water coming from the melted snow of Kilimanjaro. Thereby, this site has various water sources and underground waterways. Otherwise, this destination is home to a multitude of wild animals such as gazelles, the lions, hyenas and jackals.