Located in the Diana region, in the extreme northwest of Madagascar, Babaomby is a peninsula bordered by Antsiranana Bay to the south and east , to the north by the magnificent Emerald Sea and the Indian Ocean, and finally to the west by the Mozambique Channel. It’s a dream spot for all kitesurfing aficionados..

And they are not Alexandre Caizergues, triple world kitesurfing speed champion, Thomas Traversa, wave windsurfing world champion, or Charlotte Consorti, Triple world kitesurfing champion, who will tell us the opposite!

These world kite stars have already surfed the waves of Babaomby. Since, this site is part of the list of spots to see at least once in your life, for all professional or amateur kitesurfers around the world…

The Babaomby spot is known for its lagoon, the Emerald Sea, renowned as one of the most beautiful in the world. It experiences quite powerful winds (20 à 35 knots) which blow from April to mid-November almost every day.

You can practice your favorite sport in complete peace of mind on a turquoise sea with warm, crystal clear waters, with an area of ​​approximately 36 km². The average depth of the lagoon is 3 meters and the bottom is mainly sandy.

A stay in Babaomby promises you a total change of scenery, the place being preserved from mass tourism. The site is accessible by car from Antsiranana airport, to Ramena, then by boat (45 mn).

Source ; http://www.madagascar-tourisme.com/fr/toutes-les-actualites-/860-babaomby-madagascar-le-paradis-du-kitesurf