Nicknamed the red island to the color of his land, Madagascar has always attracted lovers of Africa and adventures. Rich extreme diversity of landscapes and people, this island, separated from Africa by the Indian Ocean, stretches 1 580 km from north to south and is traversed by a mountain.

This variety of reliefs and thus climate has caused endemic fauna and flora of the island. To visit the island, a trip is not enough and difficult traffic generates long journey times. The various attractions of the island are therefore quite remote but every part of the island has its natural and cultural riches, not to mention the warm welcome of the population represents a real asset to the destination. Few tourists will not find happiness on the island, but it is the nature lover and adventure that will see it as their paradise.

lazy lovers longer will direct the North, on the island of Nosy Be or east on the island of Sainte Marie, known for their high-end resorts and beautiful beaches.


Do we need a visa to go to Madagascar ?

Yes, a visa is required for travel to Madagascar. This visa can be obtained upon arrival at the airport in Madagascar. For information, there are many types of tourist visas :

- A valid visa for a stay of a maturity of up to one month will cost you 31 euros.
- A valid visa for a stay longer than one month and up to two months. It will cost you 39 euros to get.
- A valid visa for a trip longer than two months and not more than three months you 54 euros.
- Before leaving, remember to check the expiration date of your passport : it must be valid for at least 6 months after your return.

another detail, the authorities may ask you to justify a transit fare to / or continuation when entering the territory.

The information above is updated regularly, however, we advise you to get closer to the Madagascar Embassy in your country to obtain the latest information on the conditions of stay in Madagascar.

Where to exchange ?

The national currency is the ariary (With) since 2005. He replaced the Malagasy franc(Fmg) and a few sentences to be imposed. This is why you sometimes find prices displayed in Malagasy francs.

For information, because the rate can vary widely, 1 € = 3400 Ar and about 1 AR = 5 FMG ... you do the math once there.

You can exchange euros or before departure directly on site however, you can not exchange your Euro ariary other than Antananarivo.

There is a black market in Madagascar where fans can exchange their foreign currency at a rate unbeatable. Naturally, we do not recommend. Doing so may expose you to some trouble and end up with some counterfeit banknotes.

For the return, know that it is forbidden to leave the country with more than 400000 Ar and officially, it is only possible to change MGA euro in Antananarivo.

Small practical advice for everyday life, as much as possible, try to have you on the small and very small cuts. By paying a taxi ride or a consumer in a bar with a big cut, in town or in the bush, it is quite possible that you can not return your money.

What is the best season to visit Madagascar ?

Madagascar can be visited throughout the year, however, the dry season is the perfect time to travel there. It extends from May to early November, and the best time to travel to Madagascar is between September and October, just after the "high season".

If we could advise you not a period, it would be between mid-January and late February. It is hurricane season so not the most suitable for enjoying the wonders of Madagascar.

But Madagascar is a large island, we even called the Big Island, and there is always a place where the season is favorable for a stay. We will give you good advice.

Are local guides needed ?

In the National Parks and Reserves, whether administered by ANGAP (National Association for the management of protected areas) or not, accompaniment by a local guide is mandatory.

The guides specialties and different status. it is up to you to make your choice, often feel once there ... one thing is sure, Guides will help you enrich your experience in the National Parks and Reserves. Notice a small detail, identifying marks, put a name to a plant that you do not know : it's their job and their passion.

Phone, Internet and GPS, it works ?

telecommunication infrastructure is being improved.

The number of Internet cafes is very marked increase in major cities (Antananarivo, Fianarantsoa, Tulear, Diego Suarez, etc.).

The mobile network covers almost everything Madagascar, especially when it comes to major cities. Before leaving, better check with your carrier for pricing that may apply for calls made from abroad.

You can totally use your GPS in Madagascar. Very useful for mobile tower we offer.

What we eat in Madagascar ?

Nice surprise, the Malagasy cuisine can be more varied and surprising than expected.

The meals consist primarily of rice, who served with every meal is the staple diet (much like the bread of French). It is usually accompanied by romazava (broth flavored meat), of bredes (green leaves of simmered vegetables) ou de ravitoto (pork stew and mashed cassava leaves) which can be considered as national dishes Madagascar.

Among the specialties, You will also find many fish and seafood, especially near the coast. shrimps, squid, crabs, lobsters, squill, molds, urchins and even oysters will be waiting for you.

Fresh fruits are no exception and are delicious. Depending on the season, you can enjoy without moderation kumquats, pineapple, mangos, litchis, goyaves, grenadelles (or passion fruit), Soursop and other persimmons for a good vitamin cure.

Vanilla, Another local specialty, is widely used in cooking. Be sure to taste a dish of meat or fish flavored with vanilla. Under the European latitudes, Vanilla is mostly associated with sweet flavors while on our island, the kitchen is all the sauces.

The street food is worth the trip : impressive varieties of rice, skewers, donuts, grilled cassava and other wafers will allow you to still discover new flavors typical Malagasy.

For lovers of good wines, Madagascar produces original and interesting wines in particular in the area of ​​Fianarantsoa. You'll find red wines, whites, pink or gray. All are excellent but you may have a surprise in the bend of a bottle. Nos recommendations vont vers le popularity betsileo, Popular le Close ou encore le beat.

That report of Madagascar ?

The specialties of the Malagasy handicrafts are very diverse and local ... so much so that if you make a find in a city or village, you will not have the insurance to find the same thing elsewhere during your trip, except perhaps in Antananarivo.

Bamboo crafts is elevated to an art in the city of Ambositra ; silver jewelry are the specialty of South Antandroys ; à Nosy Be, it is the embroidery that are particularly beautiful and famous ; le papier Antemoro, originally manufactured by the tribe of the same name from bark havoa, is the specialty of Ambalavao south of Fianarantsoa ; the rabane, made from washed raffia son, tinted, redécoupés son in very fine and then woven on a manual trade, is more beautiful in Ambositra although also found in Antananarivo.

The memory of a trip to Madagascar would not be quite the same without some vanilla beans from the side of the same name. in preference, be sure to choose good black beans (and not stained brown or white), long, having a "fat" appearance and flexible enough to be bent.

In all cases, we can only advise you to stroll through the markets Malagasy. This is the way to make beautiful meetings, great discoveries and bargains for sure !

What about the road network ?

Madagascar's road network is changing from year to year although many improvements still to make. The main areas of the Big Island are paved (Tana – Tuléar, Tana – Morondava, Tana - Diego Suarez et Tana - Tamatave). You also will borrow the tracks to discover Madagascar. It runs slower than on paved roads but it is no worse to enjoy the beautiful scenery and immerse themselves in.

This is because of the roads in Madagascar distances are assessed more frequently in hours and number of kilometers.

To overcome the weaknesses of the road network, domestic flights are often a good alternative and a considerable time saving for the impatient travelers.

Be tempted by a self drive in Madagascar and see our information about the car rental in Madagascar

And health in all this ?

No vaccine is required for travelers coming directly from Europe. However, be current on its vaccines is highly recommended. Better safe than sorry so take precautions before departure : diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hepatitis A and B, whooping cough, Typhoid for longer trips and especially for children and rage if prolonged stay in the bush.

Par ailleurs, Malaria is present in Madagascar and the entire island is classified area 2. Antimalarial treatment is required and some simple prevention rules must be observed for safety :

- In the evening, wear protective clothing and, if possible treaties
- On the parts that are not covered by clothing, apply effective repellent lotions and creams all 4 hours
- The night, protect themselves by using an ITN

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