User FAQ

How it works ?
Booking Hotel is an online reservation center. Enter your destination, travel dates and Booking Hotel Madagascar (Bःn) you instantly offers a selection of more than 300 institutions. You have to choose your ideal property and click on the best offers. Booking Hotel Madagascar then redirects you to the page of the institution It's that easy !
How are prices displayed ?
Sur BHM, prices are always displayed per night for the total number of selected rooms. We display all sent BHM prices proposed for the same type of room (simple, double, …).
What are the fees and taxes included in the rates on BHM ?
We strive to include all taxes / additional charges on tariffs of our website (except the tourist tax / night, which depends on the municipality). possible transaction costs are not included on our website, as they vary depending on bookings, payment methods and hotels. Before payment, re-read carefully all information provided on the establishment. For questions regarding the transaction, please contact the hotel.
I wish to book ?
Enter your destination, travel dates and BHM instantly selects offers more 300 hotels. You have to choose your ideal hotel and click on the link Book. BHM then redirects you to the page of Hotel, It's that simple !
Want more information about the Hotel ?
You have all the information about the Hotel on its page. TripAdvisor Reviews, Facebook Like, Contact information, Photos, conveniences, Avis BHM, Information restauration, Reservation and room availability, Contact form, geolocation Hotel.
I did not receive the confirmation email
1) Make sure the confirmation e-mail has not been transferred to your spam box. 2) Contact the site on which you made your booking so that the booking confirmation will be returned. 3) See your browsing history for the date you made the reservation. The booking site you visited that day there appear.
You want to change or cancel your reservation ?
You must click the link Cancel Reservation to change or cancel your reservation.
You have a question about your reservation ?
You must contact the hotel to change or cancel your reservation.
Having problems with your reservation ?
Sorry to hear that you experienced problems during the booking process. If you have had a bad experience on the booking site BHM, tell us of it here. We take into account all the comments on the site BHM. Our User Support will advise you on how to solve the problem.
Do - I pay the hotel or BHM?
According memberships, you will pay 15% of the amount on booking online. The balance at the Hotel. Most of the time you have to pay the hotel, either on arrival or departure.
How do I know that my reservation is confirmed ?
When your reservation is confirmed , you will receive a confirmation email with the information of your reservation.
Where can I find the cancellation or modification of the hotel policy ?
Each hotel has a different cancellation policy depends on the room you want to book. The cancellation policy is individually displayed by Hotel.
How will I know if my booking has been canceled ?
When you cancel your booking online or by phone, you will receive a confirmation email cancellation. If you do not receive a cancellation email, please call one of our customer care advisors on +261 49 49 905 79. Your reservation can be considered canceled once you have received your email. Without the e-mail of your booking can still stand, so it is important to make sure the booking cancellation.
Can I cancel my booking in case of an emergency ?
You may cancel your booking at any time. However, according to the hotel's cancellation policy there may be a charge. This information can be found on your confirmation email that was sent at the time of booking. To cancel your reservation please call our Contact Center at +261 34 49 905 79 and our sales team will be happy to help you.

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Announcement of the resumption of the Booking Hotel Madagascar website

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