Among the many features offered by Booking Hotel Madagascar, nous vous proposons un rôle d'éditeur sur notre page de +34 000 Fans

What is the point of becoming a Premium Partner ?

This possibility offered by Booking Hôtel Madagascar is new if you want to enhance and increase the visibility of information or an important message on the log #BHMadagascar the Facebook page of your hotel,…..

You can publish and comment on our Page. When you publish or comment as page, publications or comment does not appear in your personal account, whether in your news feed or Journal. It is as if you were another entity in Facebook, completely separate and distinct from your personal account. If you want to appear in your publication Journal, you will have to share it with your personal account. You can not share it in your journal as a Page.

All publications made as Page are then made in the name of your page and NOTHING will be displayed in your diary. The publications will then appear on your Facebook page and you have at least 17% chance that your publications appear in the News Feed of your followers.

All these publications on a Facebook Page is public and anyone can check whether or not fan of your Page.

How to become a Premium Partner ?

It is very simple, simply d & rsquo; to request to

This service is chargeable.


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