Terms of Booking Hotels Madagascar

Booking Hotels Madagascar is a reservation center, guide and multi-service notice dedicated to Tourism in Madagascar that offers users information on the different types of accommodation (such as hotels, guest rooms, gîtes, etc), destinations, services related to living and information about restaurants, Bars, nightclubs, Water activities, air, earthly, Location 2 and 4 wheels, Handcrafts, Shopping, Welfare….

1. Range of services

1.1. These terms remain subject to occasional revisions, they apply to all our services directly or indirectly supplied (ex : through third) via Internet, mobile device, email or phone.

1.2. By using our sites, you confirm that you have read, including, and accepted these terms and conditions and privacy policy, which includes the use of cookies.

2. And Services Contract

2.1. On the website Booking Hotels Madagascar, you have the opportunity to compare services, see reviews, to book hotels, Restaurants, Bars, nightclubs, Water activities, air, earthly, Location 2 and 4 wheels, Handcrafts, Shopping and services related to living without online payment.

2.2. In addition, for some institutions, users have the option to book the facility they have chosen through a direct link to the website. Consequently, the reservation will be directly on the reservation site and not on the Booking Hotels Madagascar site.

2.3. Booking Hotels Madagascar acting only as an agent providing information to book a hotel, a circuit, a travel, a Car Rental, Quad, Motorcycles, a Restaurant, of a Bar, a Disco, of Water Activities, air, earthly, of Handcrafts, Shopping and services for a stay or technical connection with a third party booking site.

In making their reservation on the third Web site, users agree to be bound by the terms of this booking site. These conditions can be found on the third website.

Once the reservation is made on the third Web site, a contract is concluded between the website and the user, therefore no contract is concluded between the user and Booking Hotels Madagascar.

Booking Hotels Madagascar does not in any way part of the reservation contract and all the user's claims related to the reservation are to argue with third (the booking site) and not with Booking Hotels Madagascar.

2.3. This agreement is not affected by any of the other agreements between the institution and users.

3. Booking Hotels Madagascar Community.

3.1. Users have the opportunity to join the community Booking Hotels Madagascar (hereinafter called the 'Community'). By registering on the platform, users can publish content from individual initiatives and actively participate in the development of the platform through the community and administrative functions. Unregistered users can read the contents of Booking Hotels Madagascar.

3.2. A user can not register multiple times on the Community. User is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of personal information. Changes to user data are carried out immediately by the profile update.

3.3. The user is responsible for the confidentiality of his user account, particularly his password. It is also responsible for the use of his account over Booking Hotels Madagascar and third parties. Users should never disclose such data for use by third parties.

3.4. Unauthorized use of services Booking Hotels Madagascar by anyone not associated with his personal account, the registered user must immediately inform Booking Hotels Madagascar.

4. confidentiality, Advertisements email

4.1. The protection of personal data provided by the user is the main priority of Booking Hotels Madagascar. As such, Booking Hotels Madagascar done everything possible to ensure compliance with data protection. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

4.2. Booking Hotels Madagascar collection, processes and uses personal data (hereafter called "Data") only after obtaining your consent, or if a statutory provision allows collection, processing or use of your data.

4.3. Booking Hotels Madagascar together, processes and uses only the data necessary for the provision of services provided by Booking Hotels Madagascar, the use and operation of websites, applications and services offered.

4.4. If the user has agreed to receive information on Booking Hotels Madagascar during registration of the Community or any other action related to the services of Booking Hotels Madagascar, the user is likely to receive occasional information about our products. The consent may be revoked at any time by written notice or by email. The agreement to receive emails is effective when the confirmation email is sent to Madagascar Hotels Booking. By clicking on the link in the email, you will be registered to the newsletter.

5. User obligations

5.1. The user is responsible for the acquisition of rights to content (text, photos, view, liens, etc.) he provided Booking Hotels Madagascar. He must ensure that he has all rights to the content they publish on the platform Booking Hotels Madagascar and so that it infringes the rights of any third party.

5.2. The user guarantees not to use the services of Booking Hotels Madagascar to create content that :

– is actually a disguised publicity notice,
– does not contain content related to the subject of the notice,
– is biased or intentionally erroneous,
– is immoral, pornographic or otherwise offensive nature of,
– violates the rights of third parties, especially copyrights,
– violated the laws or regulations, what constitutes a criminal act,
– contains viruses or programs that may damage software or hardware or that may affect the use of computers,
– is actually an investigation or chain letters,
– aims to collect or use personal data of other users, especially for commercial purposes.

5.3. The user guarantees not to use programs or functions to create content or garner views automatically Booking Hotels Madagascar.

5.4. In case of violation of the terms and conditions, Booking Hotels Madagascar reserves the right to remove content without cause statement, to block the payments due as a result of activities on the Community Booking Hotels Madagascar and banish the member of the platform Booking Hotels Madagascar. The right of prosecution of criminal acts remains intact.

6. Termination

6.1. Booking Hotels Madagascar reserves the right to terminate the access of a member and delete their account within a week after receiving reports of inappropriate use of the Website. The user can also terminate its own access and its account within the same period.

The immediate termination right for cause remains intact.

7. Responsibility

7.1.Booking Hotels Madagascar have no responsibility for the accuracy, the quality, completeness, reliability or credibility of the content provided by users or institutions sites. specifically, Booking Hotels Madagascar not provided any guidance or information regarding the choice of institutions.

7.2. All resulting from this service agreements are established between the user of Booking Hotels Madagascar and external booking site. In particular, Booking Hotels Madagascar do not act at any time in Quality booking website with online payment. Only the terms and conditions of the settlement site in question apply, and especially those concerning the rights of cancellation and refund. For questions regarding the processing of reservations , the appropriate contact is the booking site. Booking Hotels Madagascar is an external actor such agreements, contractual provisions and claims between the external booking site contractor and user of Booking Hotels Madagascar .

7.3. In particular, hyperlinks, banners, information on establishments, travel destinations, suppliers or other similar information provided by the booking sites or community members will play in any case the role of the recommendations or information from Booking Hotels Madagascar. For technical reasons, the prices update (provided by the booking sites) is not done in real time. It is therefore possible that the rate shown on the booking site does not match the rate specified on pages Booking Hotels Madagascar. Booking Hotels Madagascar do not guarantee the accuracy of information, including rates and availability.

7.4. Booking Hotels Madagascar are not responsible for technical malfunctions that are not within the sphere of responsibility of Booking Hotels Madagascar or damage caused by force majeure events. Booking Hotels Madagascar does not guarantee the uninterrupted availability of data and can perform technical maintenance operations during a defined period.

8. Modification of Terms

Current terms and conditions apply in any use of the platform Booking Hotels Madagascar. Registered users will receive an email notification indicating any changes. They can download and print the terms and conditions on their workstation.

9. effective and Jurisdiction Act

The laws of the Republic of Madagascar apply. For companies or individuals that do not have jurisdiction in their country, Antananarivo is the place of jurisdiction. Other, legal jurisdiction applies.

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