Top restaurants in Antananarivo

There are many very good restaurants in Antananarivo. There are for everyone but for all budgets, to the point that it has become difficult to choose where you want to go. Choose a restaurant "chic" part of the restaurant has much to attract customers. It's in this perspective [...]
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Book your hotel in Madagascar on Booking Hotel Madagascar

Whether you are a stranger or a resident of Madagascar, find the best points halts turns out to be hard work. Rest assured, we offer our to make your life easier. While surfing our website, you'll find the best accommodation on the Big Island. The best places to visit in Madagascar [...]
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Exit at Antananarivo, clubs, restaurants ...

Antananarivo is the capital of the Red Island is full of absolutely amazing places, places where life is good, where linger and socialize is so easy, listen to good music or dancing to lose the breath will inevitably unforgettable. Cultural exchanges and gastronomy are just perfect [...]
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Why book Booking Hotel Madagascar ?

On the Internet, one can find intermediate platforms for hotel reservations. These platforms, Booking Hotel Madagascar gives much more fruitful search results and offers many choices. If for you, book a hotel website has many advantages and you seem easier compared to other ways to book, sur Booking [...]
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Foie Madagascar

The foie gras evokes for many the holidays, specifically festive meals, but in Madagascar, This malleable commodity at will be enjoyed for all occasions. Paradise for gourmets, the Big Island is the favorite destination to enjoy this delicacy in all its forms and flavors : cru, cooked, stove, [...]
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Book in the boutique hotel The Combava for a dream holiday !

Whether for a business trip, or for holidays in couple or family, it is essential to find an accommodation in which you feel comfortable. The Le Combava hotel is one of the resorts most appreciated by travelers thanks to its beautiful rooms and the quality of services. [...]
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Small Malagasy lunch: The Rice bredes

It is very important to put something in the stomach in the morning before anything else. And why not rice to bredes or Vary amin’ mother? A Madagascar, Rice to bredes or Vary amin’ anana is eaten without accompaniment or with laoka, especially grilled meat or an egg […]

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