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ATV : les circuits à Ampefy

circuits à Ampefy

many associate Ampefy swimming and picnicking with its beautiful volcanic landscapes, including Lily falls. However, this village unique charm located 120 km of Antananarivo offer much more than that. It is a quiet town and character that makes you dive into an exotic and rejuvenating atmosphere. It is also a paradise for lovers of hiking biking. Ampefy marked circuits are accessible to combine fun and sports.

Tower Lake Ampefy mountain bike for a cocktail discoveries and thrills

The largest lake is bordered Ampefy a green plain surrounded by mountain landscapes. It offers exceptional career with cycling enthusiasts. Around the lake by bike, it is 57 km of circuits available for experienced cyclists. The peace and beauty of its landscapes enhance your career. Get ready to live unforgettable moments through the marshes of the river Fitandambo by Matiadrano. You can continue further south to Antanetibe. Your efforts will be quickly rewarded, It's certain.

Other circuits Ampefy to live your passion for mountain biking

There is no better way to fully appreciate Ampefy and landscapes of exceptional beauty that the mountain bike ride. Many followers of this activity love it. Except around the lake, Ampefy circuits around the village allow you to jump between green valleys, mountains, geysers, rivers and waterfalls. The circuit 3 vallées d'Analavory au parcours de Terrain Ngilomby en passant par les sentiers du Massif Andoharano, de la Plaine d'Ifanja et du Dome Ambohitromby, then around the lake Farihindrano, you will be at the height of happiness. Compounds landscapes peaks, immense rocky, of luxuriant nature, deep rivers, superimposed rice and unusual places are cut breath. They spice up your career. To the delight of the more adventurous, more rugged and extreme trails await you for thrills. The most cyclists prefer docile course marked trails. During your mountain biking, do not miss to stop the geysers located Amparaky 223 km d'Ampefy, and fortified site of Ambatomanjakabe, à Miarinarivo. You will for sure magic moments punctuated by emotions and discoveries.

Our selection of Lodgings Ampefy

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