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Madagascar : table at New Year, découvrez le fameux “hanim-pitoloha”

Like most world destinations, Madagascar has a way of celebrating the New Year, such a special moment. Thus among the Malagasy, il est de coutume de servir le fameux “hanim-pitoloha”, a menu at 7 ingredients.

“Hanim-pitoloha” est une référence à l’abondance, the opportunity to eat as much as you want and without restriction. For the story, le “hanim-pitoloha” était servi aux rois et reines de Madagascar. Du ” vorombe sy henakisoa ” (turkey or goose and pork), ” amalona sy henakisoa ” (eel and pork), “varanga” (boneless zebu fillet cooked for a long time in water to obtain a sort of pâté), ” hen’omby ritra ” (meat beef cooked without adding any spices or condiments) et ” henan-janak’omby sy tsaramaso ” (veal with beans), were choice menus.

Le fameux “ro mazava” très prisé chez les Malagasy et les touristes accompagne ces plats. This is a broth made with beef., de la brède du gigembre et de l'”angivy”, cooked together over low heat for at least 1 hour 30.

And for dessert, les Malagasy préfèrent surtout le fameux “koban-dravina” un gâteau typiquement Malagasy très succulent. This dessert is made from sweet peanut paste and surrounded with rice flour, then surrounded by banana leaves, that was cooked for 48 hours before being served hot or cold.

Today, plusieurs établissements hôteliers de la Grande île proposent le “hanim-pitoloha” au menu du Nouvel An. Among Malagasy families, if the seven royal dishes are not retained, it is always customary to serve different very succulent dishes on January 1st. Et les Malagasy savent très bien concocter les produits du terroir et en faire un véritable festin…


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