Under various influences, Analamanga modernizes and becomes Tana, Kingship gives way to the Republic, certains monuments prennent feu au gré de la négligence, des intentions malveillantes ou pour des raisons d’ordre politique, mais l’histoire de Madagascar persiste. Antananarivo est toujours la capitale. Impossible de déplacer les 12 collines sacrées qui l’entourent au sommet desquelles les Rova ou leurs ruines, sinon des patrimoines, marquent l’histoire de l’Imerina.
Rova de Manjakamiadana
Faîtes la découverte des 12 patrimoines historiques aux alentours d’Antananarivo.Dominant la ville des mille, literal translation of Antananarivo, le Rova de Manjakamiadana culmine à 1430 m d’altitude. Les rois et reines qui ont marqué l’histoire du Royaume Merina, mais aussi celle des Malgaches s’y sont succédé jusqu’en 1896, année de l’exil de la Reine Ranavalona III qui mit un point final à la monarchie malgache. Le Palais de la Reine a connu des hauts et des bas y compris l’incendie du 6 November 1995.
Rova d’Ambohimanga
ambohimangaSept portails royaux et une forteresse composent le palais d’Ambohimanga. Devenu plus tard un musée, ce site historique est dans la liste des patrimoines de l’UNESCO. Le Roi Andrianampoinimerina y résidait durant les premières années de son règne. Le Rova d’Ambohimanga est le symbole de l’unification du royaume Merina.
Rova d’Ilafy
palais-radama-2-ilafyC’était le fief du Roi Radama II. Le souverain malgache, assassiné le 11 May 1863, had been buried on site then transferred to the Rova de Manjakamiadana estate towards the end of the 19th century. The Rova d’Ilafy stands on the hill of the guinea fowl or Ambohitrakanga located at 10 about 10 km north of Analamanga. It houses a museum.
Rova d'Ambohidratrimo
Once a royal palace where seven successive kings resided, he was a victim of bombing in World War II. The foundations of former royal huts, the 3 royal tombs, the sculpture representing female fertility and cultural vestiges were preserved on the site until the fire of the 29 August 2015. From the National 4, a tarmac road leads to the ruins of Rova d’Ambohidratrimo.
Rova d'Antsahadinta
A royal wooden hut that later became a museum and tombs adorned with “tranomanara” distinguish this historic landmark built under the reign of King Andriamangaritra at the dawn of the 18th century.. The Rova d’Antsahadinta stands on a hill at 17 km southwest of Antananarivo.
Rova d'Alasora
A village surrounded by ditches called “hadivory” and “hadifetsy” built by King Andriamanelo who reigned there from 1540 à 1575, a single-access palace called “vavahady”, portal made of flat stone that can be identified by fig or “aviavy” trees, trees which symbolize royalty… These were the first infrastructures of Alasora. Certainly, the Rova of Alasora is nothing more than a story but the Velondraiamandreny caste has been responsible for jealously maintaining what remains as well as the related rites. From 1675 à 1710, Andriamasinavalona built the "Seven Tombs", tombs of kings and their families, and erected a stele at a place called Ambatomitsangana. On this standing stone appear his name and those of his offspring., ce qui fit dire à Andrianampoinimerina, later : "Ambohimanga is the hill of the Imerina dynasty, Antananarivo that of the reunification and consolidation of the Kingdom and Alasora that of the origin of the ancestors. » Note that this great sovereign made his wife Ramanantenasoa reside there.
Colline d'Ambohimalaza
Just like Alasora, it is a high place of sacrifice. This common rite among the Malagasy began with the slaughter of a zebu on the hill.. Right here, there is no palace. Instead, there are many royal tombs which are recognized by their “tranomasina”. Prince Andriantompokoindrindra of Ambohimalaza ordered these tombs to be adorned with these royal emblems in the form of small houses., this was the advent of the “tranomanara”. Par ailleurs, the bathing of kings or “Fandroana” took place there periodically.
Hill of Ampandara
No less sacred, this is the place where the first Hova kings are buried. Located south of the capital, it is difficult to access. This hardly prevents their descendants from going there on pilgrimage.. It is good to know that the Hova constitute the intermediate caste between the nobles and the slaves. They are also called free men.
Rova d'Antongona
A king named Andriambodivato lived there under the order of King Ralambo (1575-1600). The Rova d’Antongona is a palace perched on the promontory of the sacred hill, which is made up of two rocks of 1406 m and 1512 m d’altitude. The ancient fortifications and the deep ditch that surround it bear witness to the defensive character of the place.. tourist site par excellence, it is located almost an hour’s drive from Antananarivo, following the RN1, before turning to the right at Imerintsiatosika. A museum and a guide await you on site.
Colline d'Ambohimanambola
This sacred place was chosen by King Andrianampoinimerina to house his fetish, Ikelimalaza. This royal idol or “sampy” was made of two pieces of wood assembled in a V. It was jealously preserved in a box, well covered in silk and placed on a bed of silver and jewels. The fetish had its home, a small, fairly high hut surrounded by a courtyard delimited by a wooden fence.
Rova d'Ambohitrabiby
From 1575 à 1610, King Ralambo reigned in Ambohitrabiby. His palace became his tomb as well as that of his wives Rabiby and Rabehavina. Until now, the descendants of the sovereign gather there. The Fort of Ambohitrabiby, lordship and royal city, was also a place of “fandroana”. This sacred hill has become a tourist site. She deserves a detour. A guide will welcome you with open arms and tell you the details of the story. The Rova has also become a museum.
Rova de Kaloy
The birthplace of the great king Andrianampoinimerina is represented by a small house, the "house". This is the Rova of Kaloy if you can call it that. It is no less significant for the descendants of the sovereign, the tombs and anonymous steles erected in the surrounding area are proof of this. Towering 1435 m d’altitude, Kaloy is the furthest sacred hill from Tana.
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