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What there is to see in Fianarantsoa


You are a tourist in Madagascar Fianarantsoa is your next destination ? If yes, then you are probably wondering what there is to visit in the locality. To avoid spending a lot of time on the internet to look for answers to the question, please make the trip with us, in an imaginary rollover la capitale du Betsileo.

The historic sites of Fianarantsoa

For tourists, or at least for tourists interested in history, Fianarantsoa is a goldmine. Why would you ? Well, for the simple reason that the place is dotted with remnants of past years. We can cite for example the "Tanàna ambony" area which includes a resort of old kings. Apart from the ruins of the royal houses, you can admire religious buildings that date back more than a century but are still standing. A little lower, in the district of Ambatomena, lanes crisscross the Catholic buildings dating from colonization. The whole city is also littered with old houses with picturesque architecture. You have to see with his own eyes to enjoy the beauty of it ...

The good places to eat and sleep in Fianarantsoa

Of course, unless you have family or friends there, as a tourist, it is absolutely a place to sleep and to eat. The best hotels in the city are listed in the Booking Madagascar Hotel website, but it is already mentioned as example Lac Hotel Sahambavy, a lovely place just a few kilometers from downtown, or Vannie Hotel located in the very heart of the city. Par ailleurs, you can dine at the hotel, or in the right corner as "At Huey" or "Jacks". Fianarantsoa is full of good places to eat, but to ensure the good quality of food and service, better to rely on the opinion of connoisseurs people ...

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