You want to reach a wider clientele for your business ?
Or fill your calendar during your slow periods ?

Comment s’ inscribe ?

And after some research, you have concluded that the best way to achieve this, it's from s’ register on Booking Hotel Madagascar (the Malagasy vita of hotel reservation) to take advantage of the worldwide reputation of this site.

Only there is a little hiccup : you have absolutely no idea how to do it. Do not panic. I am here to support you in this process. For now, if it's your choice, follow the leader !

First step : Go to the website
Before your establishment is online, you must first register your establishment :

– either by going directly to the bottom of the home page. You will then just have to click on Register (follow the red arrow).

or by clicking on this link

1is Etape : Complete the different fields in the General tab

Select the type of establishment
Filling out the rest of the fields shouldn't be too much of a problem. : name of establishment, your first and last name as well as your email address (very important for confirming your address and accessing your registration form).
IMPORTANT : the presentation text of your establishment must be minimal 200 mots, it’s about your SEO !
Geolocate your establishment on the Google map, by right-clicking with the mouse at the corresponding cardinal points
Ensuite, validate your information by clicking on next

2 th Step : Establishment

Provide general information about your establishment
Complete the fields by answering the questions. You have several answer choices in the drop-down menu.
IMPORTANT : Provide a presentation text about your restaurant, menu, carte,….

3 th Step : Create your accommodation

Complete the fields by answering the questions. You have several answer choices in the drop-down menu.
If you have several categories of Accommodation, click on Create another type of Accommodation
IMPORTANT : Room presentation text
Once all your accommodation types have been created, click Go to next step

4 th Step : Payment and Conditions

Fill in the fields by answering the questions without forgetting to specify your Cancellation and prepayment conditions
Once the form is completed, click Send

An account manager will contact you upon receipt of your request.

NB : Concerning, the photos, you can send them to us via WeTransfert.
