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At the visit of Mahafaly country

Pays Mahafaly

Madagascar is rich in its culture and biodiversity. AT 150 km to the Tulear, is a country known as the "Mahafaly". An ethnic group that, past generations, remains in its own culture and its ancestral customs.

A difficult climate, but viable and rich in biodiversity

Mahafaly live in the Southwest, on a limestone plateau of the same name. The region is located in a sub-desert climate. Because of this climate, Mahafaly have always adapted to harsh conditions. thorny plants, Baobab, vegetations are prevailing in these semi-arid areas.

Despite the unfavorable weather conditions, countless animal species live there in harmony with men, on this plateau. Especially, these are the birds that live there in very large numbers. The region has more than 50 bird species. These species, 31 species are classified as endemic, for example, the tisserin Sakalavas, Nésille the pre-desert, the vanga tailed or Lafresnaye, and the hawk of Madagascar and Couas. Lemurs are also taking advantage of this biodiversity, to know : the maki. Turtles also live there in that territory.

A population based on its cultures and customs

The Mahafaly people is a people respectful of its traditions. The culture of zebu made this famous people, and for the decoration of these tombs with funerary sculpture or "Aloalo". This art is in the ancestral culture of the people. For generations, the cult of the dead is still a custom home. The zebu horns located on the tombs of their ancestors, and the Aloalos built thereon, represent the greatest prestige of their family. To remember his ancestors, locals practice, between August and December, the famous "Havoria". In certain regions, This custom is known as a "Famadihana" or the turning of the dead. in juin, as in most of the Malagasy peoples, Mahafaly practice what is called "savatse" or circumcision. This practice allows young boys families to be recognized as legitimate child.

In all, Country Mahafaly is a country rich in its ancient culture and its biodiversity. For those who want to visit this part of the island, le Parc Bez News ainsi que le Parc Tsimanampetsotsa, you are available.

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