The 4th edition of the trekking "Nosy Komba Trail" will take place on 10 September. The opportunity for racing lovers to spend an exceptional moment on an island of beauty.

4 races on the program

Building on the success of the first three editions, the Maki run and the Malagasy Ballade organized a new meeting as part of the Nosy Komba trail. The 4th edition will take place on 10 September 2016 on Komba Island. Four types of races are planned for the occasion, namely the trail of 30 km, the 20km one, the junior maki and the baby run. adults, young people and even children are invited to participate in this walking race which in addition to taking place in a friendly atmosphere, will allow each participant to appreciate the idyllic setting of Nosy Komba.
Organizers, keen to organize a quality sporting event, hope to attract an ever-increasing audience. Note that the 2nd edition brought together 95 competitors from Reunion Island, of mainland France, of the Region and the capital. The runners were equally delighted by the beauty of the course and its difficulty, than by the warm welcome in the villages.

Promote Komba Island

Au-delà de la dimension sporties, The Nosy Komba Trail aims above all to promote Komba Island, at the tourist level. Located about ten kilometers from Nosy Be Hell-Ville in, it’s an island cut off from the world, without a car, without electricity and without roads. It dominates the region of its 622 m and offers the ideal terrain for a race with a difference in altitude in mountainous terrain. Runners will be able to cover the “Mountain” Anketsabe, rich in plantations, in splendid viewpoints and trails. The passages by the sea and the climbs in the heart of the coffee and vanilla plantations will make this meeting an unforgettable event. The organizers hope to generate profits in order to reinvest them in a similar action or for assistance, a development project.

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