Tsingy de Madagascar : unique limestone formations

Erosion sometimes produces wonderful works. Proof is this set of rocks with sharp tips pointing toward the sky that you can find in different regions of Madagascar. The scenery of these formations fossilized shells is worthy of a postcard. He recalled the Jurassic era.

How have formed these natural wonders ?

The formation of these tracts of limestone dates back several million years, the time when the red island was still attached to Africa. Piles of shells and corals are welded to compose huge blocks of 200 unless 300 meters thick. The gradual removal of water was allowed up the result : canyons and loose rock having joints. The sun and rain succession for shaping the rocks in depth and surface. Plants that have found their way to the bottom of the canyons tend to climb stretching up to reach the light, essential element for photosynthesis.
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Where are located the Tsingy in Madagascar ?

These natural resources of Madagascar declared World Heritage by UNESCO are in the regions Melaky, in the western part of the island, et Diana, have North.
• Les Tsingy de Bemaraha
Once indigenous refuge, Bemaraha Tsingy to later become tourist attractions. The prides of the region Melaky are now a national park. Starting from Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, you must go 300 km road to get there.
• The Tsingy of Ankarana
They form a high limestone plateau of just under 300 m. Located in the province of Diego Suarez, Tsingy of Ankarana constitute a special reserve, a protected site.
• The red Tsingy
These courses include originality of their copper color. This is due to the presence of oxides from their components. The Tsingy are smaller than their peers. You can turn south of Diego Suarez, à 50 km from the capital of the Diana region, if you want to discover the.
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Tourist activities to do in the Tsingy

Besides visiting places and hiking, activities common to the three sites, the Bemaraha Nature Reserve offers various activities such as trekking and mountain bike riding. Since there are rivers, Agriculture et Tsiribihina, sneaking between the karst rocks, you can navigate by canoe. abseil descents in underground cavities in the limestone wells are reserved for thrill seekers. Those who want to explore the galleries formed by canyons are invited to follow the caving tours.
Here are some tips and recommendations to end : The accompaniment of a guide is mandatory. On the rocks, you are likely to get wet, so wear suitable clothing.

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