Hotels in Tulear

Tulear is located in southwestern Madagascar. This capital of the Atsimo-Andrefana region (literal translation of Southwest) is both populous and cosmopolitan, especially in the center. Foreigners especially Italians have been seduced by this elegant and beautiful city, and many decided to move there to live and develop tourism. Thereby, the accommodations are not lacking. You can book your hotel in Tulear online for your next trip, if you want to spend a pleasant stay.

The vegetation around the City of the Sun.

Le climat sub-aride de Tulear, accentuated by strong sunlight, shapes vegetation, which becomes one of the tourist potential of the region. The gardens, Botanical parks and nature reserves of the City of the Sun and its surrounding area is full of unusual plants, endemic flora which is very tolerant of scarcity of rain.

Hotels in Tulear A

Our registered hotels in Tulear

La Baye de Tulear, as the call for the elders

In addition to green spaces, Tulléar has public and private beaches. It is indeed a bay. It is no coincidence that the city was described on the map Mannevillette, in 1770, by the name of Tullear Bay. Nowadays, the Bay of Tolear is accessible by everyone. Not only the coast has beautiful beaches, but also water resources such as mangroves, shrimp and various fish species. So the opportunity to enjoy this place especially at the local cuisine if booked in Hotel Tulear

Of gastronomic tourism, it is possible to Tulear !

Your Hotel Tulear certainly offer you the specialties of the region, made of freshly caught seafood. However, Italian dishes do not fail. You will be pampered for know that tourism is an important economic activity in the city. This sector is one of its main income.

Tulear, Port city

His former Ankatsakoa Malagasy name derived different names. Fitoliana which means "the end of the journey" among the most eloquent. Tolia is indeed a port. En 1749, cartographer geographer Jean-Baptiste d'Anville the Bourgignon denominated Port Tulle, which evolved in to Port Tullea 1764, but most, is that Tulear remains a port where operates a large factory.

A city sung by Malagasy artists

Talented artists from the region enjoy singing this enchanting city. In their songs, many call Toliary. They have good reason for this enchanting city burn leaves memories in the heart of those who participate in its nightlife and its outputs conducive to meetings. The night, it's the perfect time to get out a bit to get some air and cool.

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