Gastronomy - Mariette Andrianjaka menu at the Louvre

Gastronomy - Mariette Andrianjaka menu at the Louvre

22 June 2017
Emblem living Malagasy gastronomy, chef Mariette Andrianjaka will be the guest of "Duo des chefs" this Friday at ...
With Booking Travel, the client is king !

With Booking Travel, the client is king !

21 June 2017
Gone are taxed circuits ! Finally, Booking through Travel, the tourist is able to create his own trip..
Madagascar is one of the best destinations for sport fishing in Nosy-Be

Madagascar is one of the best destinations for sport fishing in Nosy-Be

21 June 2017
The Big Island is positioned today as one of the main sport fishing destinations. A good reputation she owes ...
Madagascar: 5 reasons to visit Mahajanga

Madagascar: 5 reasons to visit Mahajanga

21 June 2017
Starting point for exploring the west coast of Madagascar, Mahajanga, this cosmopolitan city full of charms, is very...
Tourism: when starting in Madagascar?

Tourism: when starting in Madagascar?

21 June 2017
Moving to Madagascar, you dream but you hesitate ? Here's everything you need to know to get to ...
Carnival Madagascar : An early fanfare and colorful !

Carnival Madagascar : An early fanfare and colorful !

19 June 2017
A touch of fantasy, a touch of madness and a pinch of originality, ce carnaval se voulait sous le signe du...
08 the 16 July 2017 : Whale Festival on Île Sainte Marie

08 the 16 July 2017 : Whale Festival on Île Sainte Marie

19 June 2017
Safari durant le Festival des baleines A partir du 10 July to 14 PM, un safari est...
Voyages | custom circuit Search Portal for Internet, independent media for informational purposes

Voyages | custom circuit Search Portal for Internet, independent media for informational purposes

19 June 2017
Custom Travel Creator, Circuit Custom , Booking Voyages, exauce vos rêves d’exploration et vous invite à découvrir de...
Discover the Pirates Cemetery in Sainte-Marie

Discover the Pirates Cemetery in Sainte-Marie

16 June 2017
Ce petit clip sur le cimetière des Pirates de l'île Sainte Marie à Madagascar, mythical, always visited, les tombes...
Demo online during the show # Itm2017

Demo online during the show # Itm2017

8 June 2017
Online Hotel Booking Madagascar demonstration on booth C29, Friday 9 June from 10am. Venez...
cruises : transport means adapted to disabled persons

cruises : transport means adapted to disabled persons

6 June 2017
Soucieuses d'offrir un confort irréprochable à leurs passagers à mobilité réduite, de nombreuses compagnies de croisières à l'instar de Costa...
Find booking hotel madagascar at the itm fair 2017 : An innovative agency in the hotel industry in Madagascar

Find booking hotel madagascar at the itm fair 2017 : An innovative agency in the hotel industry in Madagascar

6 June 2017
Booking Hotel Madagascar is a portal that brings together hoteliers, les prestataires et les voyageurs désireux de séjourner à Madagascar....
African Popular Destination

African Popular Destination

31 May 2017
Need an exotic experience during a trip to Tanzania ? Un passage au lac Natron est sûrement une idée de...
Find Booking Hotel Madagascar at the #ITM2017 show !

Find Booking Hotel Madagascar at the #ITM2017 show !

30 May 2017
The date of the International Tourism Fair in Madagascar is approaching. For the year 2017, it is planned on 8, 9, 10 and...
ITM 2017 : « eductours », for an increase in tourism in Madagascar

ITM 2017 : « eductours », for an increase in tourism in Madagascar

26 May 2017
More than 100 foreign tour operators and travel agents accompanied by 14 international journalists will crisscross Madagascar from 01 to ...
Top activities to do while traveling in Bolivia

Top activities to do while traveling in Bolivia

26 May 2017
Bolivia is a destination for tourists looking for adventure and escape. Cette contrée d’Amérique latine...
The natural wealth of Northern Madagascar

The natural wealth of Northern Madagascar

22 May 2017
Let's leave the beaten track to discover the natural wealth of Northern Madagascar ! Aux frontières des régions de la...
Discovery of Indian culture

Discovery of Indian culture

22 May 2017
India differs from other tourist destinations by beliefs, customs and lifestyles. La diversité...
Brasil, a land of many festivals

Brasil, a land of many festivals

18 May 2017
You'll love attending parties during a trip to Brazil ? Il existe plusieurs événements intéressants que vous avez...
Salon ITM-2017 : A hundred invited foreign tourism professionals

Salon ITM-2017 : A hundred invited foreign tourism professionals

16 May 2017
"As part of this international event, a country of honor will be identified. Our ambition is to reach more ...
1st Madagascar Golf Trophy : discover and play golf on Treasure Island

1st Madagascar Golf Trophy : discover and play golf on Treasure Island

11 May 2017
It is under the High Patronage of the Minister of Tourism Roland RATSIRAKA that the 25 avril au...
Madagascar seen from & rsquo; interior : the new book to discover the Big Island in pictures

Madagascar seen from & rsquo; interior : the new book to discover the Big Island in pictures

8 May 2017
Lovers of the Big Island, Pierre-Yves Babelon photographer has released a two-volume book entitled "Madagascar vu...
Culture : The voice of southern Madagascar

Culture : The voice of southern Madagascar

30 April 2017
Traveling to Madagascar, it is also to appreciate the musical culture of its people. Malagasy have a musical ear. C’est une évidence....
the Top 5 the best places to take pictures in Madagascar

the Top 5 the best places to take pictures in Madagascar

28 April 2017
Le Pic Boby dans l'Andringitra Situé dans la région de Fianarantsoa, en plein cœur du Parc National d'Andringitra, le pic...
Madagascar – Trekking: go for a hike in the Valley Tsaranoro

Madagascar – Trekking: go for a hike in the Valley Tsaranoro

28 April 2017
And if during your stay in Madagascar, vous partiez en randonnée au cœur d'un des plus beaux sites Malagasy? The...
Madagascar- DONIA Festival 2017: of 31 have 04 June to Nosy Be

Madagascar- DONIA Festival 2017: of 31 have 04 June to Nosy Be

28 April 2017
Le plus grand festival de musique de l'océan indien, DONIA, will be held 31 have 04 June 2017 at...
Madagascar: the Mountain National d & rsquo Park; Amber, an oasis in the north

Madagascar: the Mountain National d & rsquo Park; Amber, an oasis in the north

28 April 2017
Created in 1958, le parc National de la Montagne d'Ambre situé à 40 km au sud d'Antsiranana, est un bon...
CORSAIR supports the development of the tourism sector

CORSAIR supports the development of the tourism sector

28 April 2017
The airline CORSAIR met the press this Malagasy 12 avril 2017, pour lancer officiellement sa nouvelle ligne Saint-Denis...
Madagascar: The Salary Bay lagoon, an exceptional setting for scuba diving

Madagascar: The Salary Bay lagoon, an exceptional setting for scuba diving

28 April 2017
private protected area and marine reserve, Salary Bay lagoon on the west coast south of Madagascar, est...
Madagascar: le Palais d'Andafiavaratra, a curiosity to see in Antananarivo

Madagascar: le Palais d'Andafiavaratra, a curiosity to see in Antananarivo

28 April 2017
Parmi les vestiges patrimoniaux d'Antananarivo, il faut remarquer l'ancien Palais du Premier Ministre au temps de la royauté, ou le...
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